Professionally Personal

Living with Gratitude

Published by Day on

I sometimes question what the word gratitude means to others. Of course, we can all look up the definition for any word by simply clicking a button, but there are just some words that play a huge impact in how we live our lives. Gratitude is definitely a great example of that. If you know me, then you already know that I try my best to wear my best accessory – my smile. I smile quite often and I’ve been asked many times whether I am always happy or how do I stay so happy all the time. I find such questions quite comical because I have been through so much in my life. In fact, I would venture to say that I’ve cried tears of sadness much more often than tears of joy.

Nonetheless, I realize how each day is a gift we are blessed to have and how we must make use of every single second of each new day. I also realized how there are people out there praying for things I have and simply fail to value during times of distress. There are people out there who are currently homeless. There are people out there who have been diagnosed with a terminal disease. There are people out there who are no longer here….how could I not be thankful? After these realizations, I changed my life around by simply living with gratitude.

You may be asking yourself how exactly how do I learn how to constantly practice gratitude? How do I remind myself to be thankful when my life feels like it is spiraling out of control?


Accepting your present moment. The first step is to accept what is and let go of what was. Try to step back from difficult situations you may be experiencing, whether that be work, familial situations or past traumas, and   think about something you are currently blessed with. It doesn’t matter whether that ‘something’ is big or small—it all comes down to perspective. Count your blessings.

Fight back against over-thinking. Stop thinking about the things you don’t have or wish to have in this present moment. We need to be cautious about what we expend our mental energy on. Get rid of any ideas or thoughts that prohibit you from enjoying what you now have.

Keep a gratitude journal. My favorite step towards living a life with gratitude would be journaling. Purchase a journal, notebook, or notepad that you will solely use for this purpose. Get in the habit of writing at least five things you are grateful for. Do not question whether the things you jotted down are “silly” – this is your journal and what makes you happy is unique to YOU. Embrace who you are. When you are having tough days you can refer back to old journal entries and instantly feel better. Journaling will allow you to visually be able to see how your life is something to be thankful for and in essence, help you become more optimistic. By journaling such positive aspects of your life, you are subconsciously letting go of those negative emotions harboring inside of you.


Living with gratitude has simply changed my life and I hope it will change yours. Having a life where you are consistently practicing gratitude will always remind you that you are enough. Above it all, living with gratitude has improved my productivity and level of satisfaction in my current workplace. In fact, it has helped me become a better leader for my team due to the increase of productive interactions and engagement I have been able to instill being my more authentic self. As quoted by Mary Davis, “The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.” I invite you to see the beauty we all have access to.


Gratitude journal

1 Comment

Zakaria Boughrara · April 13, 2021 at 7:19 am

I want to work and visit to USA

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